breath. body. soul.



breath | body | soul

Using the modalities of somatic breathwork/ sound healing (breath), personal training/ embodiment practices (body), and astrology (soul) - my mission is to help others reconnect their mind, body + spirit.

No one has created a guide or manual on how to navigate this life, which can make this experience incredibly challenging at times. Instead of looking to the external world for all of the answers, I am here to guide you back home to your true self by giving you practical tools so that you can allow your instincts & inner compass to guide you on your unique path.

If we are able to connect to our breath, our body, and our spirit- we can hear the innate intelligence of our being. We can connect deeper to our truth, our passions, & our power. The more connected we are to our True (whole self)- the more we can connect to the world around us. We can start to live an authentic, embodied & heart centered life.

It is my mission to help humans reconnect to all parts of their true authentic nature & inner spark so that they can align with their highest potential. We are here to remember our own uniqueness + embody love as a state of being. It starts with you, your body + your breath. 

“We’re all just walking each other home.” -Ram Dass